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Lawn tips for the spring

So Spring will be here before we know it! We all wonder what it takes too have beautiful lush green grass and have so many questions so what can you do. Here are four lawn care tips that can help you to get the best lawn possible.

1. Water Your Lawn Wisely

If you have read any lawn sprinkler guide, you will know that simply sprinkling water over your lawn a few times each week will likely not be enough to encourage healthy roots. Watering your lawn deeply, so that the water reaches deep into the soil will encourage root growth. As the roots grow further into the soil they will provide greater access to the grass growing above ground. Further, deeper roots mean that in dry seasons (hotter months) roots will have access to water deep within the soil. You can achieve all this by ensuring that you deeply water your lawn. Generally, 2-3x a week should be fine and about 20 minutes.

2. Cutting Your Lawn

First, we should remember that different grass types and each require different treatments. You'll have to know what type of grass your lawn has before you start cutting. Some types should be cut to shorter lengths than others to get the best results. Forexample, Tall Fescue needs to be cut around 4" and Bermuda can be cut much lower since it's a warm season grass. Tall Fescue is the most used here in Abilene Kansas, Junction City Kansas, and Chapman Kansas. Bermuda is used in the southern states mostly and goes dormant in the fall. It will turn a brown color when it gets colder.

In addition to the type of grass growing in your lawn, you should also consider the time of year that you are cutting. Your mowing strategy will likely be different in the winter months than in the summer. Plan your grass cutting carefully to get the best results.

3. Overseeding

Overseeding is an absolute if you want to get a thick, rich, green lawn. It doesn't come about by chance. They're generally a reflection of the hard work and love that their owner has invested in them. If you want a lawn that will make your property look attractive and maintained then lawn care is a priority for you. You must overseed bare spots if you have tall fescue. Bermuda will have runners which will be likes vines and it creep throughout the yard.

4. Fertilize

While there are many types of fertilizer available, natural fertilizers are still proven to be effective in stimulating growth.

Fertilizers not only encourage the growth of your lawn in the most but they also have a great impact on the soil profile to help with the harsh conditions such as really hot days.

If you're interested in learning more about how to make your lawn look beautiful, then I'm here to help. Contact me or check our other articles to find out more.